Monday, August 17, 2009

Where to find machine vision jobs

If you’re not familiar with LinkedIn, well wise up. This networking site for professionals has a couple of special interest groups for those of us who work in machine vision. Sure, there are some uninteresting product announcements, and the discussion board features a certain amount of blatant self-promotion, but there are also jobs!

For a recent example, there’s a job for a Product Manager at Pleora Technologies. (Pleora are the folks in Ottawa, Ontario who helped develop the GigE interface.) I don’t know if you’ll be able to read the job posting on LinkedIn without being registered, which is why I’ve linked directed to Pleora, but that’s all the more reason to sign up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Professor Grey:

A great posting about Linked-in. In fact there are a lot of groups that your readers should be aware of including:

Vision Systems Design magazine

3D Machine Vision

Automated Imaging Association (AIA)

Automated Imaging Group


Digital Camera

Infrared Machine Vision for

Industrial applications & NDT

LabVIEW Linked

Machine Vision

Machine Vision Group

Photovoltaic Solar Cell Manufacturing

All the best,

Andy Wilson
Vision Systems Design magazine