Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Basler serves an “ace”

In tennis an ace is a serve which cannot be returned. It’s too early to say if competitors will have a reply to this compact little "Power over Ethernet" camera, but one thing is clear; Basler have certainly thrown down the gauntlet.

Am I mixing my metaphors here? I may be, but to continue …

The ace is, or will be – it’s not available until March 2010 – a line up of GigE/power-over-ethernet cameras that measure little more than an inch cubed. (29 x 29 x I don’t know in millimeters.) It will be available in color as well as monochrome and in VGA and 2Mp resolutions. Pricing is said to be from 299€, which means it undercuts rivals like the Guppy from AVT.

Speaking for myself, I’ve never been so short of space that I’ve found it necessary to buy my cameras by the inch, but I’m sure there are situations where size is an issue. And even if you don’t need the compact body, the price, combined with the single cable functionality of PoE, has to get your attention.

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