Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to get the salesman to call

Do you ever find it difficult to get the attention of a salesman (or woman)? I know I do, but now I know why. The May 2011 issue of Vision Systems Design has the answer.

If you read “Flat-Panel Color Filter Inspection” you’ll learn about a web inspection system that uses 25 Piranha 3 12k linescan cameras, each connected to its own framegrabber, each in turn sitting in its own PC. That’s one heck of a lot of cameras, and a very nice order for Dalsa. I’m pretty sure that when Taiwanese integrator Utechzone gets on the phone to Waterloo, Ontario, those friendly Canadians pay very close attention.

The system sounds fascinating, but I’d love to see a movie of it in operation. If anyone from Utechzone happens to reading this, any chance you could post something on YouTube?

Meanwhile, I now know how to get salespeople to fawn all over me: just tell them I have a quarter of a million dollars to spend.

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