Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If you’re looking for a job…

There seems no shortage of machine vision jobs these days, which means that salaries do appear to be creeping up, but if you’re in need of a new opportunity where should you look?

I advise people to start with the LinkedIn machine vision groups: I’m seeing an increasing number of positions being advertised in those, and there are several recruiter-members, so even if you don’t see something that grabs you, they’ll no doubt be pleased to hear from you.

Dice used to have a number of machine vision jobs, though for some reason I’m not seeing so many there. (Perhaps they’ve all migrated to LinkedIn.)

However, I was recently sent a link to the 50 best engineering job sites, and that does appear to be exactly what it says, so you might want to spend a little time there.

Good luck!

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