Sunday, December 9, 2012

Photogrammetry in the real world

The SEMA Show in Las Vegas is better known for hot girls and hotter cars than it is for machine vision, but this year saw the unveiling of the Matrix Wand stereo imaging system.

The Matrix Wand is a handheld (though rather cumbersome,) image acquisition unit. It grabs image pairs that can be downloaded into a PC and used to locate points in 3D space. Claimed accuracy is “+/- 1mm in 2 meters.” Not exactly sure what that means, but it sounds useful.

You can learn more about the technology on the Matrix Wand website (look under “The Technology” and then click “More information.” Or you can watch the video I’ve embedded below.

The intended market is vehicle repair shops where it will allow them to measure points on wrecked cars and trucks and determine alignment issues. I’m sure there have to be some industrial applications too, although I haven’t quite figured them out yet.

If you have any ideas on how to use this product I’d be very interested to hear them.

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