Thursday, June 18, 2015

Why GenICam 3.0 deserves your attention

Some engineers love standards. They get all excited about reading them, and positively orgasmic when offered the chance to be on a standards committee.

Me, I’m not so interested. I get that standards are important, and I understand that my work is much easier as a result of machine vision standards like GenICam, but I can’t get excited about them. However, a press release from the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA) regarding the new GenICam 3.0 was quite interesting. Subtitled, “3D machine vision made easy,” this explains how EMVA has standardized interfaces for 3D cameras in the same way as 2D cameras have been standardized for some years.

This is good news. As vision engineers have been waking up to the possibilities of 3D – and I confess to being a big fan – we need the cameras to be as close to ‘plug-and-play’ as possible.

Also in the new release, some enhanced point-cloud capabilities. Learn more by reading the press release.


College of Architecture said...

vision standards like the GenICam should be emulated

joseph said...

Great article

dojuma said...


Esther said...

Well this is an interesting advancement. i don't like standards too, i just don't get why they are even there. Anyway, as i said, i concur, progress it is!

Asuga said...

The best article in history