Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Camera mounts

A good camera mount is hard to find, so when I saw an interesting design in a recent movie from Allied Vision Technology I had to pause and rewind a few times. Eventually I grabbed this screen shot.

This shows a couple of AVT cameras on mounts that both act as heat sinks and provide two axes of rotation. I guess you could count a third translational axis too.

I like the look of these, although I have to wonder how you’d get a camera back to its original position if it got knocked. Perhaps some kind of scale could be added?

If my plea for a camera mounting standard, (“We need a new camera mounting system”,) ever gains any traction perhaps it would look something like these.

And for any of you interested in viewing the entire movie, here it is in all its glory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not like that kind of mount at all. I'll bet if you give that a good shove the rod will rotate. Not to mention that it will be very difficult to get the camera pointed exactly down.

We tend to prefer ones that will allow the camera position to be repeated when and if another camera needs to be swapped in.

Also there is nothing protecting the lens from falling off the camera.