Thursday, October 25, 2012

Industrial lights from Smart Vision Lights

At the risk of offending some manufacturers, not all machine vision lights are terribly robust. I find they often lack sturdy mounting points or heat sinks, and seem rather fragile. That’s when, when I saw the Prox Spot Lights from Smart Vision Lights I said, “Gosh, isn’t that a good idea.”

My favorites are the SA30 Series which come in a 30mm housing and have an adjustable spot size, thanks to a sliding outer barrel. There’s no need for a dedicated external power supply – just feed them 24V – and it’s even possible to vary the light output.

I’d suggest setting them up at 80%, so if their output drops off over a year or two there’s some space to crank ‘em up a bit. Assuming you know what intensity you actually need. ;-)

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