Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An integration story

I met an interesting integration company at the Robots & Vision show last month: MCSVision. Like most vision integrators, they’re a small group hungry for business. What impressed me was the quality of the system they had on display. They were using four cameras to image bottles of vitamin water, and then performing some image stitching before running a series of inspections. In particular, I was pleased to see they were using a touch screen PC. I don’t know why more people don’t go this route; it seems ideal for grubby industrial environments.

You can see pictures of the system on the Point Grey web site. It’s not fancy but it’s a very clean simple system that seemed to get the job done.

1 comment:

Keith said...

I find touch screen displays work very well in an industrial environment and offer an easy interface for operators and engineers to navigate various displays and information on the system.

The MCS system as well as a number of other videos from the show can be seen at the Vision System Design website: