Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Color machine vision – tread carefully!

Color is a difficult beast to grapple with. My advice is to steer well clear unless you have absolutely no choice. What makes it so difficult? Well for a thorough overview of the challenges, I recommend you spend a few minutes reading, “Color Machine Vision – Untouched by Human Eyes,” penned by Ben Dawson of Dalsa and published in RTC magazine, January 2010.

In a very readable article, Ben explores why it’s so hard to be objective about color, the importance of illumination (white light does not contain equal helpings of all wavelengths,) and how a Bayer filter impacts camera resolution.

And if, after reading the piece, you’re wondering how to perform a color inspection task with a monochrome camera, well I have two words for you: filters and illumination wavelength. (OK, so that’s three words, but I’d like to count “illumination wavelength” as a single word since it is a single concept, which is probably …)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's also possible to use color information for segmentation, which doesn't require exact color measurement, can be even easier than with bw system.