Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Certified System Integrators

I’m very enthusiastic about the AIA’s certification scheme. If you read my comment on the Teledyne Dalsa imaging blog you’ll learn why, but I’ll repeat the key point here anyway: anything that improves the credibility of the vision integration industry is a good thing, and Certification should help would-be integration buyers separate the chiefs from the charlatans.

If you’re interested in seeing which companies have been certified, that information is on the AIA’s Certified System Integrator page. As of writing, there are just five companies, four in North America and one in Brazil, but I would expect to see that number grow rapidly.

One point to mention on this: if you think Certification is simply a case of writing the AIA a check, think again. They actually have some stringent requirements, as listed on that page I linked to.

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