Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Time, the other dimension

With the new “3G7” and the 272 Checker sensors, Cognex have further eroded the gap between the InSight and their entry-level product. The big news is that these have a 752 x 480 resolution sensor, meaning that they are effectively a regular smart camera. Or they would be, if the functionality wasn’t limited to presence detection and measurement. Make that presence detection OR measurement in the case of the 3G7.

Of course, there’s a price to paid for more pixels, and that comes in the form of lower frame rates. Cognex claim these new Checkers can inspect 800 parts per minute, which I interpret to mean that the frame rate is about 13 fps.

I’m a little disappointed by that because one of the novel features of the original Checkers was the 100fps speed. This gave the user the option of grabbing and looking at many images, rather than just analyzing a single picture. If you don’t see where that might take you, I suggest you read the interview with Bill Silver, Senior VP and co-founder of Cognex, available in the Whitepapers section of the Inspect-Online machine vision portal. You’ll need to register, then look for “Everything is in Motion.”


Anonymous said...

Are you sure fps == ppm / 60 ?

B Grey said...

No, I'm not sure. All I know is that Cognex say the sensor can inspect up to 800 parts per minute. I would like to know what the actual frame rate is.

Darren Bolgioni said...

This is a good question. Initially, I would agree that it can only be about 13 fps (at least not a whole lot faster), given a 800 ppm rate.

However, the Checker uses an internal trigger algorithm that requires multiple frames to acknowledge PER PART. I think the other versions are actually 500fps (not 100).

I will try to verify...