Monday, October 10, 2011

Useful vision tool from Cognex

Sometimes a vision system that’s run trouble-free for months, or even years, will start rejecting good parts. You go out on the floor to take a look and can’t see any obvious problem yet clearly something has changed. What do you do?

My advice has been to acquire a master image when the system was first signed-off. Then, when problems arise pull out that master and compare it with the latest images. If light output has diminished, if the trigger is out or if the part under inspection is actually different, that will be readily apparent. But no one seems to do this.

Well if I’ve understood the new “TestRun” tool from Cognex correctly, that’s pretty much what it does. It appears, (though the press release could use a little added clarity,) that this allows a check on current image quality, comparing it with a baseline and flagging any changes.

What an excellent idea!

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