Monday, May 24, 2010

Insight-full vision-guided-robotics application

There’s an interesting machine vision application described in the May 2010 issue of Assembly: “Robots Light the Way to Faster Assembly”.

This covers the use of a Cognex InSight with an ABB FlexPicker that assembles LED lights. The InSight is used to determine the orientation of lenses that are picked and placed over the LEDs by the robot.

What’s particularly interesting is the speed the system runs at. These FlexPickers are incredibly fast, so I’m pretty sure the InSight is working hard to keep up. Unfortunately, there is no video of the system, not even on the integrators web site, (They do have many other videos though; look here. )

I did notice though that the system is due to appear on the TV show, “How It’s Made” towards the end of 2010. Record it so you can watch the FlexPicker in slo-mo.

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